Tag Archives: Events

10th Anniversary Celebration 28th October 2023

Calling all members, family, and friends! Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 28th, 2023, starting at 11:30 AM.

Vincent Men’s Shed and North Perth Community Garden are thrilled to celebrate our 10th Anniversary this year, 2023. To commemorate this milestone, we are holding a special event at the shed and garden.

There will be special visits from our esteemed local dignitaries, free sizzling sausages, free coffee truck with your favorite brews, a scrumptious celebration cake, and more!

The event is entirely free, and we would love to see you there. Let’s make this celebration an unforgettable day!

The shed will remain open as usual during the event, with accompanied tours of the shed for anyone interested in seeing what we do.

October 2023 marks the 10 year anniversary of Vincent Men's Shed and North Perth Community Garden.

Christmas 2021 and New Year 2022 opening times

Dear Members,

We would like to remind you all the shed workshop is closed on Saturday 11th December 2021 for the annual Christmas lunch which starts at 12 noon.

We will be open as usual on Saturday the 18th of December 2021. This will be the last day for the Christmas close and we will reopen on Monday 10th January 2022.

For those not attending the Christmas party the committee wishes you a merry Christmas and a Happy New year.

Shed Re-opens from Tuesday 2nd June 2020

Hi Guys

The VMS Committee has decided to re-open the shed on Tuesday 2nd June 2020 under the following strict COVID 19 safety guidelines. It is imperative that all members adhere to the safety health guidelines and by not conforming you will be asked to leave the shed.

These Guidelines have been drawn up by the VMS based on advice given by the WA Government, the Australian Health Protection Committee, and the WA Health Department.

Please read the following carefully so as to understand the shed protocols and to keep yourself and all the shed members safe and health.

Vincent Men’s Shed COVID Safety Plan:

1) The committee of the VMS has agreed to no more than 14 members in the shed at any one time. The 14 does not include the Day Manager.

2) This number of 14 was what 76% of the members suggested according to the recent survey sent out to members.

3) A manual sign in form will be at the front door where members must sign in. Please enter from the front door only, not the roller door. If when signing in or out or you are wanting to make yourself a cup of coffee and other members are around the area, please practice social distancing.

4) Good hygiene must always be followed. It is the Day Managers responsibility to ensure this is practiced. Please respect this as it is for your safety.

5) Hand sanitizer is at the front door, in the kitchen and in a convenient place in the shed.

6) Washing facilities in the bathroom remain the same.

7) Bacterial wipes will be in the kitchen area and in a convenient place in the shed.

8) All tools must be wiped down by the member before using it and again when finished.

9) Tables and chairs as well as all white goods in the recreational area are to be wiped down by the Day Manager or if he appoints somebody to help him. This must be done before the shed opens and after it closes and between morning and afternoon sessions. This should also be done after tea breaks.

10) There is currently no need to wear masks or gloves but if members feel more comfortable wearing them that is ok. It is not the responsibility of the shed to supply them so members will have to supply their own.

11) As most of our members are in the vulnerable age bracket and or may also be health compromised it is imperative you practice good health hygiene when in the shed.

12) If you do not feel well, please do not compromise fellow members by coming to the shed. Stay at home.

13) Please respect and adhere to all advice and suggestions made by the Day Manager.

We are all in this together
Roy Haagman
Chairman Vincent Men’s Shed

Shed closed due to COVID-19 until further notice

Hi Guys

Following on from the Prime Ministers press conference last evening on March 22nd 2020 the shed committee has decided to close the shed from lunch time today Monday 23rd March 2020.

For those who need to collect anything from the shed we will open the shed on Thursday morning 26th March 2020 from 9.00 to 10.00.The committee values you support and understanding of the shed and our main concern of course is your well being and therefore have not taken this decision lightly.

Please take care of yourselves and we will open the shed again at the first opportunity.

Regards Roy and the committee

VMS News and Updates February 2020

Wednesday Shed Project Day
The committee has agreed to an initiative to set aside Wednesday mornings as “making a project for the Shed” morning. A number of members have agreed to participate. The purpose of the day is to make sell-able items for the Shed. If you have something you want to make for the Shed that is most welcome. Otherwise we will be asking participants to make chopping boards and other interesting objects. This is an important initiative and a way of showing you care about putting back into the Shed.

Keeping the Shed Tidy
We have noticed members leaving tools out and generally not respecting the Shed as we would expect. It is an obligation of membership to keep the place tidy and not leave it for others to attend to. A number of regulars have expressed disappointment at the state of the Shed and in particular the afternoon sessions. It’s helpful if you assist the Day Manager by cleaning up.

Visit by Josh Topelberg – Councillor City of Vincent
Josh visited us for morning tea late last month. He is an enthusiastic supporter of our Shed and undertook to pursue a number of matters important to the Shed and your committee. He promised to follow up on the Sea containers, the status of our current lease agreement, co-funding of capital equipment purchases and progress of planter boxes. We eagerly await some positive responses from the City of Vincent. Thank you, Roy, for organising this visit.

Sea Containers
We are hoping the City of Vincent will approve our Development Approval for the 2 containers and surrounds. We expect to hear something around mid-February at which time we may be able to commence preparing an application for building approval.

Next Committee meeting
Our next meeting is the 13th February. A summary of the meeting outcomes will be distributed to members and Shed Managers. The summary details are important and make for interesting reading. Any questions are always welcome and should be addressed to either Roy or me. Of course, you may have a copy of the entire meeting minutes. Just ask us to send you a copy.

Machinery Maintenance
The committee and Shed members thank those people who behind the scenes keep our equipment maintained and available for our enjoyment. Without their skills and expertise, the Shed could not operate and would literally come to a grinding halt. We thank Richard Frank, and Alf for their continuous efforts to do what “needs to be done” and look after our ongoing interests and enjoyment of the Shed.

Tagging In and Out of the Shed
You will have noticed that you can tag in and out. This system is the envy of other Sheds and a “world beater”. Thanks to Richard who designed and tested this important initiative. And Roy and Lynton for its implementation. The $2:00 entry fee is an important source of income and sustains the ongoing operations of your shed. Please contribute accordingly.

Last but not least
You will have noticed that we are trying very hard to keep you informed of Shed activities. Roy and I are united in ensuring this continues. Your constructive feedback is most welcome and hopefully lead to enhancing the operations of the Shed.

Martin – VMS Secretary – February 2020

Bendigo Bank donates $2500 to Vincent Men’s Shed

Frank Paolino, Branch Manager North Perth Bendigo Bank, recently handed over a cheque for $2500. Frank and Bendigo Bank are keen supporters of the Shed and look forward to seeing the Shed prosper. The money has been set aside to fund the purchase of 2 x Sea Containers planned and subject to City of Vincent approval, to be installed at the eastern end of the Shed. The shed is very grateful to the Bendigo Bank’s enthusiastic and ongoing support of the Shed.Bendigo Bank donates $2500 to Vincent Mens Shed

Christmas Lunch 2019

Calling all shed members:
Get your taste buds ready for a festive culinary treat. Our chef and cook Francois and Richard have a great Christmas lunch lined up.

When: 12 noon, Saturday 14th December 2019
Where: Vincent Men’s Shed
Cost: 10 per person donation
Who: the event is open to all shed members and their partners and friends

Drinks are BYO

Please let us know if you are coming, so we can plan the numbers, via the survey link here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/28B6XDD

Christmas Lunch 2019

Christmas Lunch 2019

Free Little Library

The Vincent Men’s Shed have built and installed a outside their premises at 10 Farmer Street North Perth.

The library is for all members of the public from children to adults to encourage reading and put down digital devices for a short time.

Here we see Harvey and Archie looking for a suitable book to read before going to bed.

The aim of the library is for the public to find a book to read and if possible, replace the book taken with one they have already read.

VMS Update May 2019


The Chairman, Lynton Hebiton, and Treasurer Roy Haagman, recently met with the City of Vincent Mayor Emma Cole and the Director of Community Engagement, Mick Quirk, to discuss the Shed’s proposal to extend the Shed in the medium term.

Also discussed was a Short term additional storage option by means of installing two small sea – containers with a roof between them to create a covered area which could be used for an extra working space. These would be located along the fence line next to the Bowling Club.

The Director undertook to attempt to remove a current roadblock to our (temporary) proposal which required us to sign a lease agreement (currently under development by the City). Permission to install the containers would be subject to a successful application for planning permission.

Our medium and longer term aspirations would need to be part of an approved Master Plan for the Woodville Reserve. Preparation of the plan is due to start in August and the Men’s Shed will be invited to contribute. A VMS working party will need to consult with members to develop proposals to meet our requirements.


Bunnings, Morley branch, have kindly allowed the Shed to hold another BBQ on their site on Sunday 23rd June.

This important fundraiser for the Shed is an opportunity for you (the member) to assist with catering and raising the profile of the Vincent Men’s Shed to the public on the day.

An separate email will be sent out shortly asking members to contact Fergus Beer with an offer to help. Even an hour of your time would be of great help to the Shed. If you couldn’t help out last time NOW is your chance to step up.


All items of equipment in the Shed are considered to be dangerous if used incorrectly or without the correct training. If you are not familiar with how to use any item of equipment please contact the DAY MANAGER for advice on who to discuss with and how to operate the equipment.

The Day Manager will give advice on who to talk with about operating equipment and, unless approved by the Committee, those people are the only ones who can give instruction or advice on equipment use.

The Shed also has also purchased a number of USB sticks for all members to access with information and instructions to reinforce that your safety in the Shed is paramount and of importance to us all. Please contact the Day Manger to borrow a USB stick and then take the time to look at it.

Finally can I remind all members that they are responsible for cleaning up their work area upon completion of their work for the day.

Even if somebody else is using the equipment when you are about to leave clean up YOUR MESS around the area and put away the tools that you were using. Members have been observed leaving early without cleaning up and hoping that someone else will do it but unfortunately it comes back to the Day Manager to do!!!!

Cameras now operate in the Shed 24/7 – don’t risk being named and shamed!!

VMS Committee

Notice of Special General Meeting Saturday 30th March

Dear Members

You are advised that a special general meeting will be held at:
12 noon on Saturday 30th March 2019 at the Vincent Men’s Shed.

It is required that all associations amend their rules in accordance with the current Acts and Regulations by the end of this financial year. The VMS Committee has reviewed our Rules and amended them to comply with the Acts and Regulations and to reflect our actual arrangements in the Shed.

At the meeting two special resolutions will be proposed:

The first:

“That the Vincent Men’s Shed change its Rules of Association to those described in the document entitled “Vincent Men’s Shed Rules of Association 2019” (Form AD26 Rev 03)”

The second:

“That a new Class of member be established entitled “Social Member” and that a Social Member be afforded all benefits of membership of the Vincent Men’s Shed except the use of the workshop.”

A copy of the rules can be read by clicking on the button below. You can also find them on the Shed’s website by clicking this link

The only subject of the meeting will be the two resolutions, so the meeting will be short.

If you have any concerns about the new rules please communicate these by email so we can give them consideration prior to the meeting. vincentmensshed@mensshedswa.org.au

Please make the time to come to the meeting as we need members to vote in person in order to have the new rules accepted.